5 Ways to Stay Fit In Your Car

Posted by & filed under Galva Auto Repair.

While you might not be able to run a mile or even do sit-ups while you’re in the passenger’s seat, there are still ways to burn calories and stay fit in the car! This month, we’re shifting from auto repair tips to give you five easy exercises that you can do on those long car trips to keep you in shape!

Squeeze, Hold, Release

Isometric contractions are when you squeeze and hold a muscle for any amount of time. Whatever a muscle’s job is, these exercises help tone and prepare them for that job. Simply squeeze or flex a muscle, hold it for 5 to 10 seconds, and release. Try this with ANYTHING you can flex!


Heavy traffic can be stressful, leaving your muscles tense. You can release this stress in your shoulders with simple shrugs! Raise your shoulders up to your ears, hold it for 8 to 10 seconds, and repeat as many times as you need to feel relaxed! This will not only make your drive better, but also help you wind down from a long day at work.

Toe Raises

Simple toe raises strengthen the muscles in front of your shins, which will help cut down on shin splints. For best results: Lift toes, hold for 10 seconds, relax, repeat.

Heel Raises

Put your bag or a stack of books on your lap, lift your heels for ten seconds, and repeat. These heel raises will strengthen your quads!

Bicep Building…FOR CARS!

If you want to work on those beach biceps while you’re in the car, try this one out: Grab the handle above the window and engage your biceps like you’re trying to lift yourself out of your seat. Hold this for 8-10 seconds, and repeat. Try switching seats at a rest stop or gas station to make sure you are working out both sides of your body.

While all of these activities will help you stay fit in your car, it’s important to note that your seat belt should be buckled at ALL times and you should NEVER perform any of these exercises while driving.

For any other automotive questions, be sure to call us at (620) 654-3445 so our ASE-Certified technicians can help you out. As a transmission repair shop serving Newton, we hope you’ll trust us with all your automotive needs!

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