No matter how carefully you drive, emergencies happen. Whether it’s an inconvenient flat tire, a bad car accident, or unpredictable weather, the last thing you want is to be stuck unprepared, stranded on the side of the road. And while emergencies may be inevitable, you can be ready to handle common situations with an auto emergency kit! Auto emergency kits can be purchased in most auto parts stores, online, and even at stores like Walmart, but it’s easy to create your own. Below are ten things you should include in your auto emergency kit: Cell phone charger – Most people own and carry their cell phone nearly constantly. Using your cell phone while driving is always a bad idea, but it can be nice to have one with you in cases of emergency. It is best have your phone fully …… ( more )
Need new tires? Find out with this trick that only costs a penny!
Did you know that you officially need to replace your tires when the tread is below 2/32” thick? And did you know that the distance between the edge of a penny and the top of Lincoln’s head is exactly 2/32”? Convenient, right? Whether you’ve put extra miles on your tires with summer road trips or they are simply nearing the end of their life, this quick test will let you know if it is time to consider new tires. Most tires have “wear bars” that run across the tread pattern. When these become visible, connecting patterns across your tire’s tread, they serve as a warning that your tread is getting bare. But not all tires are designed the same, and sometimes you just need an extra test to know with confidence that it is time to replace your tires. So …… ( more )
Do I really need a Transmission Flush?
We’ve had many conversations with our customers in Galva, Kansas– any time we recommend a transmission flush, our customers ask questions. So what is a transmission flush? Can’t you just top off the fluid? Is it really necessary? We understand your confusion – a transmission flush isn’t one of the aspects of preventative maintenance that usually come to mind. An oil change, new tires, wiper blades… but a transmission flush? Just like an oil change, your transmission needs regular maintenance to keep your car running smoothly. What is a flush? A transmission flush usually involves connecting your transmission to a professional grade machine to completely flush the transmission fluid out of your vehicle. Running solution through the lines until they come out clean, it then fills your system with new fluid. A transmission fluid change, on the other hand, simply …… ( more )
New Technology in Cars – Car Swapping vs. Keeping Current Cars Longer
Do you keep up with the latest gadgets and technology in your vehicle? A new study shows that Americans would trade in their cars for a new one every 2 years – as often as we get new cell phones! A large motivation for this trend is the vast technological changes between new and old (or even less new) vehicles. With increasing changes in technology, like Bluetooth, GPS, audio inputs, USB connections, and more, it takes time for car manufacturers to develop platforms for the latest technology in vehicles. There are also new technologies specific to driving, like self-parking, heated seats, rear cameras, and more. New cars often feature vastly superior technology to their older counterparts. At the same time that technology is increasing, people are keeping their cars longer than ever before. Vehicles now have an impressive average age …… ( more )
The Dangers of Distracted Driving
In our fast paced lives, it’s easy to find distractions behind the wheel of your car. This month, in honor of National Distracted Driving Awareness Month, we want to take a moment to consider common distractions and their risks. We encourage you to be aware of these threats and make an effort to drive safely and distraction free in Galva! The most common distractions include using a cell phone, texting, eating and drinking, talking to passengers, reading (including maps), grooming, and watching a video. Even features of your car can be distracting, like using a navigation system, adjusting the radio, or adjusting the heater or air conditioning. Though all these distractions can pose a threat, the most dangerous by far is cell phone use and texting, so that’s going to be our focus today. Cell phones have become a ubiquitous part …… ( more )
Organization tips to keep your car fresh and comfortable!
Does the inside of your car look like this? We know that life can be a little crazy, and it’s easy for your car to be clean one week and look like you’re living in it the next. Not only can a messy car be stressful and embarrassing, but the distractions of a messy car can be a safety hazard! These organization tips will help you keep your car clean and organized so your daily commute can be relaxing and safe: Assign a home for all the necessary items that stay in your car such as sunglasses, umbrellas, shopping bags, cleaning supplies, etc. If all of the things that live in your car have a dedicated place, it is easier to find them when you need them and put them away when you are done! Consider following the “two-weeks rule” …… ( more )
Show Your Car Some Love With Preventative Maintenance
Preventative maintenance is the single best way to keep your car running smoothly and save you money down the road in Galva. By periodically checking the fundamental systems in your car, you can spot anything out of the ordinary before it becomes a bigger issue – and it is easy to do! Show your car some love this month with these preventative maintenance services: Read your owner’s manual – Every manufacturer includes a schedule of recommended maintenance for the vehicle, so check your manual for the proper maintenance intervals for your vehicle. Even if it doesn’t seem necessary, following this schedule can help to avoid bigger issues that stem from delaying these services. It is also a necessity for maintaining your manufacturer’s warranty. Check your oil and fluids – Most fluid or oil tanks have gauges or dipsticks to let …… ( more )
5 Myths about Auto Repair
5 Myths about Auto Repair We understand what it’s like to be on the customer’s side of the counter. We’ve been there plenty of times at the doctor, dentist, or somewhere as simple as a gas station. We know what it’s like to be unsure of the service or product we are paying for. The last thing we want is for our Galva neighbors to feel apprehensive about auto repair and maintenance. Here are some common myths about car repair that can help you get a little more educated and provide a little more peace of mind. Premium and other high octane gases will make your vehicle run better. While you always need to follow the recommended level of octane your manual suggests, paying more for the higher octane gas will not make a difference in your vehicle’s performance. Fuel additives …… ( more )