September marks the beginning of a new school year and, while students are getting acquainted with their new classmates, a new crop of teen drivers will be on the road in Galva. Early mornings, school buses, kids dashing through parking lots, and fall weather can provide plenty of challenges for a new driver… Luckily, our team at Nightingale Transmissions has some driving tips for beginners: Get enough sleep – Drowsy driving can be just as dangerous as intoxicated driving and, if you’re a night owl, getting up early can make a commute to school all the more challenging. Make sure to unwind and disconnect from video games, texting, web surfing or movies before you fall asleep. You’ll be better rested in the morning. Remember, if you are too tired, don’t drive. Watch out for school buses – It’s illegal in …… ( more )
Six Back to School Driving Tips for Teens